Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Get Me The Hell Out of Here

Record low temperatures as August ends on chilly note

The Local writes...

"The lowest August temperatures for more than sixty years have been recorded in southern Sweden, as August comes to a chilly conclusion across the country.

Tuesday night was unusually cold, with temperatures falling below zero in an area stretching from the far north of the country down as far south as Götaland, the southernmost quarter of Sweden."

We got cheated out of our Summer! Thank God I'm headed for Barcelona next month.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

CaddyShack 3: Drunk Driving in Stockholm

The Local reported that Hollywood star Bill Murray was taken to a police station in Stockholm on Sunday night after being stopped by police while driving a golf cart late at night.

The 56-year-old comedian and actor arrived in Sweden just over a week ago to play a few rounds with his pro-golfer friend Jeff Sluman, according to the newspaper. He was out on the town until late in the morning at Cafe Opera, and then decided to drive his golf cart back to his hotel.

Murray refused to blow into the breathalyzer, making reference to American [sic] laws. He was then brought in to the police station but he still didn't want to blow into the breathalyzer.

The arresting officer described Murray as "very pleasant", and added that he had never before come across a golf cart in the city center during his thirty years in the force.

No word whether or not he was actually drunk or not, but let's face it... it was Bill Murray driving a golf cart at 3:00am in downtown Stockholm. He was probably pretty plastered.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Burnt Roof of Mouth

My mate McCutcheon from NYC just came out with his second book (and first novel) called Burnt Roof of Mouth.

Although it has little to do with Sweden (besides the protagonist making a Swedish girl on the beach in Ios) I highly recommend buying multiple copies for yourself and for your friends. It's available on and

If you want to read it online, you can read some of the first few chapters (from an older version of the story) on Pax Acidus.