I've had an earache for three weeks to the day now. I even lost a set of tennis to a 75 year old man in part because of this. It doesn't so much hurt as much as my head is numbed and I can't think. Is this what a lobotomy is like? All I can to take my mind off it is munch Ibuprofin and drink.
Will you Swedish Sloth readers with lobotomies out there please comment and let me know if you can still drink with a frontal lobotomy? Then again, Randle Patrick McMurphy didn't look so good at the end of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In fact I've never seen any pictures of people with frontal lobotomies who didn't look like drooling imbeciles. The doctors, of course, will all go to Hell (or Ohio, whichever is closer) when they die.
Is it possible to live one's life as a successful alchoholic with a lobotomy? Because it's not possible with an inner ear full of water and a bunch of Swedish doctors.