Last week started out bad when I got notified that another part-time consulting job that I had long sought after had been canceled for no reason just before it was supposed to start.
This is the third time now that's happened in the past year. And for the third straight time I had already spent the first month's wages on frivelous things like food, clothing, and shelter before I found out. Shit.
I was so upset I couldn't even drink. I had sort of bottomed out. I was convinced God had it out for me. I ate like three tubs of ice cream wrapped in a blanket watching whole seasons of Will & Grace on DVD. Then I freaked out on the local supermarket staff because they had run out of peanut butter (I am the only American in the village). Why does everyone else I know have cushy jobs working with normal people and I always get the freaks and the dead ends?
When I feel that bad, it normally doesn't last that long. Once it lasted 3 years actually but that's another story.
And then on Tuesday I got called in for an interview for a dream coding job with a well-known gaming company. They didn't blink when I told them how much money I wanted per month. Things started happening fast. I interviewed on Wednesday and was informed I made the second cut and they had cut it down to eight people.
Then they gave us a test that we could do at home. They gave us a week to hand in the code and documentation. I started Friday night and I just handed it in 15 minutes ago, but still 3 days before it was due.
Now I am so nervous about the job I can't sleep at night and I can't stop drinking. Things are slowly getting back to normal.
Good luck, like break a leg. You should get it. You know all about video games. Or do you mean like on line gambling?
Good luck sir ...
good luck :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who eats ice cream when I'm upset ...
is no news good news?
good luck!
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