Sunday, March 27, 2005

Last Day In Hawaii

The last week in Hawaii has been rather drunken, even for me. So much so in fact that my writing dropped to almost zero. I was too drunk or hungover or else out at the beach trying to recover. My supply of codeines is rapidly dwindling and the weather has turned a bit cooler and windy, but it was still nice enough at the beach for me to continue to read Dostoyevsky’s Bothers Karamazov without the book blowing away and sand swirling in my face. After all, bad weather in Hawaii means 79 degrees and partly cloudy with frequent gusts of wind and an occasional afternoon shower. To my horror I note in Stockholm its 35 degrees as a high.

The only bad or particularly interesting point of the week (for after three weeks in Hawaii all the days become very similar) was the night of the luau fiasco. A luau is, of course, a pig roast and a hula dance show. Booking the tickets for a luau on Linda’s 30th Birthday, I had visions of a very Brady scene with grass skirts and cheesy music and whatnot. Three alcoholic drinks were included in the price, so I started drinking at noon that day to make up for their shortsidedness.

By the time the bus came to pick us up I was tanked. I think I went through about six draft beers and half a bottle of rum. I made the bus pull over so I could go pee while 100 touristy passengers watched. Things got worse from there. We are talking crazy asshole drunk blackout. When I woke up the next day I was glad I was not in jail. Let’s put it that way. Linda was pretty embarrassed and wouldn’t talk to me for a few hours. The next day I had to clean and pack with a terrible hangover.

Besides the lame ass luau, I recommend a trip to Hawaii to anyone. Especially if you are headed somewhere cold like I am. A month on Oahu is just fantastic. I can’t wait to come back and explore the rest of the islands. Its hard to believe but tomorrow we head back to Seattle and then the next day at 5 p.m. it’s off to Stockholm for a few years. I don’t even know where we are staying. My dad, bless his heart, has hooked us up with one of his rich buddies who has a spare house out in the suburbs of Stockholm. It's good to have a dad with rich buddies. I hope they have a Playstation.

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