Monday, October 02, 2006

No Google, No Problem

Well some of you may know this already, but over the past month I've had seven interviews with Google (inlcuding three in London) about a position in the Stockholm area.

I found out today I did not get the job. I failed two of the seven interviews. They asked me low-level (read as hard and obscure) computer science and networking questions which I probably never would have encountered on the job anyway. It's okay though. I enjoy my work now, and am well paid. If they really think they can get someone better than me for the position than I say good luck. I obviously don't think they will of course. This person they are looking for does not exist.


No seriously I am not bitter. I will not move this blog off of Google servers, cancel my Gmail account, and drink myself to death in Brussels. Just a few beers in a sunny Grand Place cafe and a night eating mussels and hanging out with Linda. I am looking and feeling good for 36 I must say. And that's all that matters. There will be other dream jobs that will come in the next 10 years. I will read some old Computer Science books in the meantime so I will be more ready next time.

I will leave you with this thought:

"A bit of useless knowledge may not accomplish anything useful, but it will always impress a lot of useless people."

- Nobody Ever Said that I Just Made That Up


i Team Profondbleu - Post Signed (Labeled) by Author said...

II stayed reading yours longer than you did mine but no wonder... mine is boring. I'm just a lovesick puppy. Nice blog you have, I enjoyed it. eno
BTW: Thats' not my pic. It's my Aunt Mavis. I told her I'd help her find a date.:O)

Anonymous said...

Hahahah! This is brilliant! I've ended up pretty happy where I am at my job as well, strangely enough, though I still harbor some resentment from my job search. Especially the one a mere ten blocks from my house or so that mentioned Monty Python and Manchester. I take that shit personally, thanks. But that's okay in a way cause I could tell the woman was the type who was going to be completely paranoid to trust me with payroll and I just can't deal well with untrusting supervisors on the job.

Currently I'm listening to a band of very young British teenagers from the late 70's called the Prats. They are pretty good, actually. One of their songs ("General Davies") was featured in a movie a few years ago and then they released a CD compiling all their impossible-to-find records. - Marky